About Us


Bull Pit Bullriding was established in 2020 by Gabe Wood & Tara Warburton. Gabe a three-time NRA Bull Fighter of the year & Tara a champion Barrel Racer & Steer Undecorator, rodeo is their passion.
"We started with nothing but a few panels and a handful of bulls. Gabe built our chutes and everything in between to be able to bring our very first event to life in April 2021 at the Peak Pub in Peak Crossing, Queensland. A very successful event which saw some of Australia's best Bull Riders travel from far and wide to compete at the event. Our famous ' In the Pit After Party' with DJ Jake, followed straight after the Bull Ride. Since then, we have continued running successful events at various venues throughout Southeast Queensland. Our two-chute set up allows us to fit into small venues which gives an up-close experience for the patrons. We have our own team of bucking bulls - GW Bucking Bulls which we get to show case their athletic ability at each event. We love each and every one of them, they are all part of the family here.
In 2023 we introduced a new event 'Super Bulls'. We brought the FMX Kaos team in, four of the best FMX Freestyle Motocross riders in Australia and incorporated them within the show. These are proving to be one of the best adrenaline filled shows going around. If you haven't yet been to one of our shows, check out our upcoming events page and be sure to come check it out! If you are looking for a great night out with friends & family, you won't want to miss one!
We truly are surrounded by the most amazing bunch of people we are lucky enough to call our team! We cannot thank them enough for all their hard work each and every show. We would also like to say a huge thank you to our valued sponsors, venues that have hosted us and to each and every person that has come along and supported our shows! We aim to keep bringing them to you bigger & better. We can't wait to see you there!"
Much love!
Gabe & Tara